Motocross and dirt bikes in general were who I was.  It wasn't until I had an injury that doctors gave me no hope to ever use my arm again.  It was at that point broken physically and emotionally that God opened my eyes to what He truly had in store for me.  I found myself at church on July 23, 2012 in a place of brokenness; it was that night that I was able to surrender my life to Jesus and see His true calling for my life.  3 days after I gave my life to Jesus, He miraculously healed my arm and gave me a vision of telling my story to the motocross community.

God called me into motocross ministry at the age 17 with a burning desire for the people in the motocross community.  That desire burns inside of me more today than ever as I follow this calling from the Lord.  I am excited to follow this calling from Jesus by stepping into ministry with PanicRev to spread the Love of Jesus through the mission that God has set us on of, Faith, Family, Moto.  Sharing the Love of Jesus through the sport of motocross. 

I want to take a moment to thank you for your consideration of becoming a ministry partner.  Please join us by praying for the ministry, and if you feel led by giving financially here.  We look forward to building a relationship with you and serving the Lord together!  Thank you for all of your support!

Suggested Amounts


Almost done, where should we send the confirmation?

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